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Post Apocalyptic Vehicles - Does yours qualify for a discount ticket?

At every Road to Ruin festival, post-apocalyptic themed vehicles gather from all over the UK and Europe to take part in our “outrun” as well as the infamous Desolation Alley vehicle showground. 

If you have a rat or survival bike, a Mad-Max style modded car, a post-apocalyptic survival van, truck, buggy or tank and want to take part in the outrun as well as having your vehicle on show, then you could be eligible for a discounted ticket.




Step 1: Send a private message to the Road to Ruin official Facebook page or email with images of your bike/vehicle including make/model and if it is road legal. (Note that only road-legal vehicles will take part in the run, all vehicles can be displayed at Desolation Alley.)


Step 2: Wait for your vehicle to be vetted by the festival committee. The judges will be looking for aesthetics primarily, so think lots of rust, spikes, skulls, armour, paintwork, guns etc. Replica vehicles from film/gamer culture also welcomed. 


Step 3: If your vehicle is successful, you will be emailed a single-use discount code for the driver and vehicle only. All other passengers must obtain their own ticket.


If your vehicle doesn’t make the cut, the committee will advise on what can be added to the vehicle so it passes, or you can try again for the following year.

Featured Themed vehicles, owners stories and hint & tips on building and modifications

Post Apocalyptic Vehicles - a SnapShot


"The single seater (known as Norman) was bought after one of those conversations in a pub. "My mate's got a Mad max car for sale". We knew what it looked like and the decision was instant and the owner wanted it go to a good home. Norman has a 2 litre Pinto engine and is a hoot to drive."

See Norman and more themed cars at Road to Ruin, 19-21 July 2019, tickets available here -


Pic credit - Bosuns bikes


Tempora Mutantur

"We went to see Fury Road (twice) and could not work out how we got this far in life without a Mad max car. The Dakar turned up locally on Ebay and looked perfect apart from being hideous primary colours making it look like a Tonka toy! Matte black paint soon sorted it out (now looked much less savoury). It's had a lot of work done to to including a vast amount of welding and Harry is still tweaking that V8 for perfection"

See this car and more at the Road to Ruin, 19-21 July, get your tickets here -




Originally built in 1993 from a basket case of nuts and bolts, Thunderdog - a 1982 Honda GL1100 GoldWing has covered over 140,000 miles in its years on the roads.

Built as a true Survival Bike (not a RatBike) it has been seen in rally fields all over England and Europe.

Parts included in the build range from Citroen 2CV headlights and Ford Capri exhausts through to a Harley QuickBob tank and Woolworth shopping trolley handguards.
'Solid' wheels are discs cut from VW camper van roof.



Toyota Corolla 2.0 Diesel. When the nuclear fallout fades all that will be left is cockroaches and corollas. We heard about Apocylypticus three months before the event and dragged poor old fugly out of the hedge he had been residing in for the past two and a half years, reconnected the battery, fired him up and began the remodel Craig and rose rust paint and the contents of the back of the shed liberally sprinkled all over. With twin roof mounted 30 cals, a armour piercing cross bow and a sled on front FUGLY is ready for anything. After an epic road run through the wastelands of Buckinghamshire FUGLY has retreated to the shed were an extensive remodel is in progress.


Pic credit - Sarah Schmidlin Photography



Much has been said about this most amazing vehicle - and nearly all of it is true!


Bulit by the Master Of Mayhem himself - John Bitmead, Kitty is a Ford Focus-based bodyshell sitting atop a Land Rover Discovery chassis and is fully road legal!


Sporting drop-down mesh screen guards, top mounted 50-cal cannon and rear-gunner flame-thrower, this Kitty will survive anything thrown at it.


Be sure to see the real thing up close and personal at this years Road to Ruin.



A three-wheeled rolling torture device, obviously the result of a meth/coke/alcohol fueled liason between a Daiwoo Matiz and a Kawasaki ZX10.


Scavengers also threw in the centre console from Kitty - Ford Focus, facing off the front end and the wheels robbed from a JCB digger keep it off the ground.


Gear lever is a (pre-owned) replacement Hip Joint and the cage in the rear contains live 'Food' for the journey.




An undressed Pontiac Fiero is the basis for this high-octane tarmac terrorist.


In a world with no rules - who needs doors?!


Flailing chains and chop-saws keep all but the unfortunately unlucky at bay, meet this on the Road to Ruin and you'll be lucky to walk away intact!


The Sand Rail


This vehicle was made by Longline, a UK Gov military supplier, for the 1st Gulf War to be used by special forces behind enemy lines. There were a variety of models with various weapon systems and this one has a .50 cal gas firing gun attached. It is a 1.9l petrol VW engine, constant 4x4 drive with diff locks, the spikes are made from high density foam cut, then sprayed with acrylic paint and attached with Unibond removable sticky pads. Here it is in its full glory on 2018's road run in Aylesbury!


Check it out at The Road to Ruin 2019, tickets available here - 

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